%0 Journal Article %T Determination of seasonal skeletal growth layers in Porites lutea colonies from Teluk Nyior reefs, Langkawi Island, Malaysia %A Muhd. Nasir %A Zulfigar Yasin %A Aileen T. Shau-Hwai %A M. Adlim %J Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation %D 2012 %I Bioflux %X This study includes seasonal layer study of Porites lutea using combination of alizarin staining and UV illumination methods and thecorrelation with climate data. The growth layers were recognized by using alizarin staining method, which was marked on live tissue of coralsP. lutea. Under the UV-light, dark fluorescent layers represented the wet season (June to November) and light fluorescent layers correspondedto dry season (December to May). The results revealed that the alizarins integrated into newly forming skeleton which looks as pink color. Thecolor remains as a permanent implant indicating the place of calcification during the experiment. Seasonal layers (wet and dry season) can beused to determine the skeletal growth thickness yearly, since the season cycles are relative regular in whole year. Recognizing and ascertainingthe dark and light fluorescent layers were useful for retrospectives analysis of coral age prediction. %K alizarin %K fluorescent %K coral growth %K Porites lutea %K season %U http://www.bioflux.com.ro/docs/AACL_5.1.9.pdf