%0 Journal Article %T Literatura popular en el ritual de la boda del pa¨ªs de Maragatos (Le¨®n). %A Antonio Garc¨ªa Montes %J Oce¨¢nide %D 2011 %I Sociedad Espa?ola de Estudios Literarios de Cultura Popular SELICUP %X There are many kinds of traditional literature that are living in the Maragatos people. Some of them are remains of the past, and many others are told in gastronomy, clothing, folklore, traditions, wedding... Cultural heritage is enriched by most of them. Wedding ritual includes many of these literary examples. %K Maragatos %K wedding %K traditional literature %K heritage %K oral literature. %U http://oceanide.netne.net/articulos/art3-7.php