%0 Journal Article %T Determination of organochlorine pesticides and total PCB in aquatic ecosystems of Cluj county %A I. Valentin Petrescu-Mag %A Benone P£¿s£¿rin %A Gabriel Hoha %A Ruxandra M. Petrescu-Mag %J Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation %D 2013 %I Bioflux %X In the present study, fat tissues of small cyprinid fish was sampled from Cluj-Napoca andCluj surrounding areas (N-W of Romania), urban and peri-urban waters, and used to determine theorganochlorine and total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) concentrations of aquatic environments.Results indicated a very low concentration or even the absence of some organochlorine pesticides andPCB, as follows: DDT and metabolites 0.005, Aldrin 0.001, Dieldrin 0.000, Endrin 0.000,Hexachlorbenzen 0.002, Heptachlor 0.001, ¦Á-HCH=0.000, ¦Â-HCH=0.000, ¦Ã-HCH=0.007, ¦Ä-HCH=0.000, total PCB=0.000. Such low concentrations of pollutants found in fish fat are explained bydecreased agricultural and industrial exploitation in Romania, banning the use of some dangerouschemicals in agriculture, short generation time of fish and its low position in the trophic chain. %K agricultural exploitation %K industrial %K pesticides %K concentration %K aquatic ecosystems %U http://www.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2013.82-83.pdf