%0 Journal Article %T "El Purgatorio de San Patricio" (Sir Owain), de Henry of Saltrey: Apuntes generales %A D. Jos¨¦ Antonio Alonso Navarro %J Oce¨˘nide %D 2011 %I Sociedad Espa?ola de Estudios Literarios de Cultura Popular SELICUP %X In this article I intend to come up with some general notes about the Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii by the English Cistercian monk from Huntingdonshire Henry of Sawtry (Saltrey) in its two versions in Latin and Middle English, respectively. %K Purgatory %K St. Patrick %K Legend %K Tractatus %K County Donegal. %U http://oceanide.netne.net/articulos/art3-3.php