%0 Journal Article %T Consumers¡¯ perceptions on urban water services and connection to sustainable behavior %A Dacinia C. Petrescu %J Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation %D 2013 %I Bioflux %X The paper presents the results of a survey on urban consumers of tap water and public waterservices. We discuss seven types of awareness and perceptions an their connexion to sustainablebehavior: consumers¡¯ awareness of water company (1) name, (2) location and (3) services delivered,their evaluation (4) of the the water-sewerage network state and (5) of its importance, their evaluations(6) of the overall tap water quality and (7) of the importance of water quality. Results of the researchshow that: water company name is known by two thirds of the subjects; location by one third; supply ofdrink water is the best known service and raw water treatment is the least known one; the evaluationsgiven to water-sewerage network state and tap water quality are predominantely positive, but there isplace for improvements; almost all customers consider these two aspects important and very important,which will make them sensitive to changes. %K water %K water services %K water quality %K urban %K consumers %K perception %K awareness %U http://www.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2013.105-110.pdf