%0 Journal Article %T Comparative study on rearing some valuable species in intensive system using nonconventional fodders %A Nicoleta Dobrot£¿ %A Gheorghe Dobrot£¿ %A Mioara Costache %A Nino Marica %J Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation %D 2012 %I Bioflux %X The authors of this work proposed an experiment on rearing two valuable fish species(Cyprinus carpio and Polyodon spathula ) in intensive system, using non-conventional fodders (sunflowergroats and rice bran) - first variant (I) and mixed/conventional fodders (fine grained) ¨C second variant(II) (using as control). It is expected, that testing the fodders to obtain the best effect in the optimizationof the performances in rearing the target fish species. The experiment has taken place in conditions of anintensive system in ground ponds (pond no 8 - HC8 and pond no 9 - HC9), at the Nucet Fish Farm(Experimental Base), with the two experimental feeding variants: I. feeding the material with non conventionalfodders (30% protein) in HC8, and II. feeding the material with mixed fodders (24.86%crude protein) in HC9. Taking into consideration the almost identical environmental conditions and thepopulation density the rearing of the fish depends on additional food given and its quality. Following theperformed investigation we can appreciate that, the feeding with non-conventional fodders in intensiveand semi-intensive rearing systems, in ponds, can provide the energy and complete range of essentialnutrients for the combined culture of common carps and P. spathula . Using good quality stockingbiological material (obtained in summer I), a ¡°cheap formula¡± for feeding, a good quality and volume ofwater, it is possible to get fish that can be delivered on the market at the required dimensions next year.Taking into account the obtained production using conventional and non-conventional fodders and havingin view their price, we can conclude that fodders from the aquaculture market can be successfullyreplaced with non-conventional ones, which have a more affordable price, resulting in a lower cost perkilogram of fish in the case of mixed culture C. carpio and P. spathula. %K non-conventional fodders %K Cyprinus carpio %K Polyodon spathula %K intensive system %U http://www.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2012.361-368.pdf