%0 Journal Article %T Distribution and observations on the population of marine otters Lontra felina(Molina 1782) in Peru Distribuci車n y observaciones sobre la poblaci車n de la nutria marina Lontra felina(Molina 1782) en el Per迆 %A Manuel Apaza %A Leonardo Romero %J Revista Peruana de Biolog赤a %D 2013 %I Ciudad Universitaria, Lima %X We analyzed the distribution of marine otter Lontra felinaon the Peruvian coast, from Punta Aguja (05∼47'S) to the boundary with Chile (18∼21'S). We performed a comprehensive analysis of the literature on L. felinato elucidate a northern boundary of its geographic distribution, concluding that there is no solid evidence of a possible northern limit at 6∼S. For the same reasons, the affirmation of a "historic distribution" to the Lobos de Tierra island was discarded. It is also presented information of 272 otters from 130 locations between the years 2000 and 2010. The distribution of these records no has spatial autocorrelation, suggesting a homogeneous distribution. Considering the morphostructure and geomorphology of the Peruvian coast we can see similarities with the division into three zones: north, central and south, the last two add all records of otters, which could provide habitat characteristics that, allow a continuous distribution of L. felina. Finally there is an increase in the number of otters in the Peruvian coast to compare the current values with those of 40 years ago, but we show the lack of traceability of the latest information. We suggest undertaking research linking abundances and densities of otters with the characterization and distribution of their habitats, and behavioral studies that reveal the processes or intrinsic characteristics of the species to move into its geographic range. Analizamos la distribuci車n de la nutria marina Lontra felinaen la costa peruana, desde Punta Aguja (05∼47'S) hasta la frontera con Chile (18∼21'S). Se realiza un an芍lisis exhaustivo de la literatura referida a L. felinaa fin de dilucidar un l赤mite Norte de su distribuci車n, concluyendo que no existe evidencia s車lida sobre un posible l赤mite Norte a los 6∼S. Por los mismos motivos se descarta la afirmaci車n de una ※distribuci車n hist車rica§ hasta la isla Lobos de Tierra. Tambi谷n es presentada informaci車n de un total de 272 nutrias registradas en 130 lo-calidades entre los a os 2000 al 2010. La distribuci車n de estos registros no presenta autocorrelacion espacial sugiriendo una distribuci車n homog谷nea. Tomando en consideraci車n la morfoestructura y geomorfolog赤a de la costa peruana podemos observar coincidencias con la divisi車n en tres zonas: norte, centro y sur, las dos 迆ltimas presentan todos los registros de nutrias, y podr赤an ofrecer caracter赤sticas del h芍bitat que permitir赤an una distribuci車n continua de L. felina. Por 迆ltimo se se ala un incremento en los valores del n迆mero de nutrias en la costa peruana al comparar los actuales con los reportados hace m %K especie amenazada %K nutria marina %K distribuci車n geogr芍fica %K taxonom赤a. %U http://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/rpb/article/view/1064