%0 Journal Article %T Modeling Relationship between Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value and Purchase Intension in Organized Quick Service Chain Restaurants Using Structural Equation Modeling Approach %A Dr Ashutosh Nigam %J International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies %D 2012 %I Imperial Foundation %X This paper proposes the framework to examineinterrelationship among experiential marketing,experiential value and purchase intensions in thequick service chain restaurants. Structuralequation modeling (SEM) is used to validate andtest the proposed model. Experiential marketingfocuses on how customer senses, feel, think, actand relate their experiences. Experiential valueincorporate the benefits derived from perceptionsof playfulness, aesthetics, customer return oninvestment and service excellence isincorporated in the proposed model. Structuralvalidity of the model is finally processed byusing Statistical Package for the Social Science(SPSS) 18.0 and AMOS 4 software based on thesample of 300 customers. The paper suggeststhat marketers should consider experientialmarketing in quick services chain restaurantswill lead to materialization of the sales. %K Experiential Marketing %K Experiential %U http://www.ijcsms.com/journals/Special%20Issue%20of%20Volume%2012,%20June%202012_Ashutosh%20Paper.pdf