%0 Journal Article %T SECURE AND AUTHENTICATED SOURCE ROUTING IN WIRELESS NETWORKS %A Mukesh Singla %J International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies %D 2012 %I Imperial Foundation %X Wireless networking is today¡¯s glamour technology. Wecan hardly pick up a technology publication withoutencountering articles extolling its virtues or excoriating itsfaults. Wireless networking refers to technology thatenables two or more computers to communicate usingstandard network protocols, but without network cabling. Ifa user, application or company wishes to make dataportable, mobile and accessible then wireless networking isthe answer. A wireless networking system would rid of thedowntime you would normally have in a wired network dueto cable problems. It would also save time and money dueto the fact that you would spare the expense of installing alot of cables. Also, if a client computer needs to relocate toanother part of the office then all you need to do is movethe machine with the wireless network card [1]. %K Protocols %K WSN %K Duplicate %K Webpage %U http://www.ijcsms.com/journals/Volume%2012,%20Issue%2003,%20September%202012_DM%20Paper.pdf