%0 Journal Article %T CONTRACT FARMING: THE SURVEY ON DIFFERENT ISSUES %A Pallivi Sharma %A Dr. S.D. Vashishtha %J International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies %D 2012 %I Imperial Foundation %X In India, 70-80% population of the country dependsdirectly or indirectly to farming. So this field is verymuch important for research and the concept ofcontract farming is more important for farmers andother persons who are joined with this. There are somany models of contract farming and many of themare explained by authors in this paper. Manyadvantages and issues related to contract farming arealso discussed by authors here. %K Contract Farming %K Contract Farming %U http://www.ijcsms.com/journals/Volume%2012,%20Issue%2003,%20September%202012_Pallavi%20Paper.pdf