%0 Journal Article %T PROPOSED MODEL FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT USING AUCTION ORIENTED APPROACH %A Surbi Sangwan %J International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies %D 2012 %I Imperial Foundation %X Grids are emerging as the infrastructure for next generationcomputing. In Grid environments, the resources areheterogeneous and geographically distributed with varyingavailability and a variety of usage and cost policies fordiverse users at different times and, priorities as well asgoals that vary with time. The management of resources insuch a large and distributed environment is a complex task.In this paper a model has been proposed using auctionoriented approach. This auction model allows bidders to bidon various attributes beyond the price. The auctioneerselects winners based on the price as well as on otherattributes. Thus, the overall utility of a deal for the buyermust consider not only the price of the auctioning item, butalso a combination of the different attributes. This model hasalso been implemented. %K Grid computing %K Resource management %U http://www.ijcsms.com/journals/Volume%2012,%20Issue%2003,%20September%202012_Surbhi3.pdf