%0 Journal Article %T Effect of Added Surfactants on the Dynamic Interfacial Tension Behaviour of Alkaline/Diluted Heavy Crude Oil System Effet de l¡¯ajout de tensioactifs sur le comportement dynamique de la tension interfaciale du syst¨¨me solution alcaline/brut dilu¨¦ %A Trabelsi S. %A Hutin A. %A Argillier J.-F. %A Dalmazzone C. %J Oil & Gas Science and Technology %D 2013 %I Institut Fran?ais du P¨¦trole %R 10.2516/ogst/2012033 %X This study has been undertaken to get a better understanding of the interactions between Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) surfactants used in chemical flooding and in situ surfactants present in an heavy oil. We report an experimental study of dynamic Interfacial Tension (IFT) behaviour of diluted heavy oil/surfactant enhanced-alkaline systems. The dynamic IFT was measured using pendant drop and spinning drop tensiometers. The dynamic IFT between diluted heavy oil and alkaline solution (pH 11) with no added surfactant increased sharply with time, which was attributed to the transfer of the in situ surfactant (produced by saponification of the acids groups present in the crude oil) across the oil/water interface. The addition of Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) above the Critical Micellar Concentration (CMC ~ 0.002%), changed completely the dynamic IFT behaviour of the diluted heavy oil as the IFT strongly decreased and finally reached a plateau, of about 1.5 ¡Á 10-3 mN/m at a concentration of only 0.02%. We attributed the efficiency of SDBS to a synergistic effect between the in situ surfactant and the added surfactant that form a mixed interfacial monolayer, which is very efficient in decreasing the IFT to ultra low values and in resisting mass transfer across the oil/water interface. Cette ¨¦tude a ¨¦t¨¦ r¨¦alis¨¦e pour mieux comprendre les interactions entre les tensioactifs utilis¨¦s pour la r¨¦cup¨¦ration assist¨¦e de p¨¦trole et les tensioactifs in situ pr¨¦sents dans le brut. Nous exp¨¦rimentons le comportement dynamique des tensions interfaciales (mesur¨¦es par les m¨¦thodes de goutte pendante et goutte tournante) entre le brut lourd dilu¨¦ et les solutions alcalines avec ajout de tensioactif. La tension interfaciale dynamique entre le brut dilu¨¦ et une solution alcaline (pH 11) sans ajout de tensioactif cro t fortement au cours du temps, cette augmentation est attribu¨¦e au transfert des tensioactifs in situ (produits par saponification des fonctions acides pr¨¦sent dans le brut) au travers de l¡¯interface brut/eau. L¡¯ajout de sulfonate de sodium dod¨¦cyl benz¨¨ne (SDBS), ¨¤ une concentration sup¨¦rieure ¨¤ la concentration micellaire critique (CMC ~ 0,002 %) change compl¨¨tement le comportement dynamique de la tension interfaciale, elle diminue fortement pour atteindre finalement une valeur plateau de 1,5 ¡Á 10-3 mN/m. L¡¯efficacit¨¦ du SDBS est attribu¨¦e ¨¤ l¡¯interaction entre les tensioactifs in situ et les tensioactifs ajout¨¦s qui forment une couche interfaciale mixte qui permet d¡¯obtenir des tensions interfaciales ultra basses et de s¡¯opposer au transfert de masse ¨¤ %U http://dx.doi.org/10.2516/ogst/2012033