%0 Journal Article %T EDUCA O SEXUAL NO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: O TRABALHO COM ALUNOS DO 9o ANO %A Rayane Priscila Silva %A Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo %J Olhar de Professor %D 2012 %I Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa %R 10.5212/olharprofr.v.15i1.0012 %X The sexuality is part of every person¡¯s life specifically in the teenager stage and it happens in peculiar and different ways. This work promotes for teenagers, of the 9th grade of fundamental public school in An¨¢polis, the acquisition of knowledge about sexuality that comes with sexual education. The study was made after biographies and authors: Abramovay et al. (2004); Biscoli (2005); Brand o e Heilborn (2006); Br¨ºtas (2009); Foucault (1988); Junqueira (2009); Torres et al. (2008); Suplicy et al. (2000), and others too. The research has a qualitative approach that was used to collect information, with a structured questionnaire, given twice, before and after working with teenagers in 11 classes, total 15 hours of activities. The group was formed by teenagers in ages between 13 and 17 years old. The majority of teenagers (83, 3%) talk about subjects related to sexuality with their friends and get media information (55, 5%). 17% of teenagers conform that they had sexual intercourse, only 5,5% used condoms. The contraceptive methods that were mentioned more was the condoms (72, 2%) and the birth control pills (33,3%). On the second part of the test a variety of methods were mentioned. On the pre-test the only sexually transmitted diseases mentioned were AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea. The work confirmed the need for sexual education activities with groups of the 9th grade, in particular, continuously, contributing to a healthy sexual development and application of knowledge to protect the teenagers. Resumo: A sexualidade faz parte da vida de todas as pessoas e especificamente na adolesc¨ºncia acontece de maneira muito diferenciada e peculiar. Este trabalho objetivou promover a adolescentes, discentes do 9o ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola p¨²blica de An¨¢polis, a aquisi o de conhecimentos sobre sexualidade, atrav¨¦s da educa o sexual. O estudo pautou sua revis o bibliogr¨¢fica nos autores Abramovay et al. (2004), Biscoli (2005), Brand o e Heilborn (2006), Torres et al. (2008), Br¨ºtas (2009), Junqueira (2009), dentre outros. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa que utilizou para coleta de informa o um question¨¢rio semiestruturado, aplicado em dois momentos, antes e ap¨®s o trabalho com os adolescentes. Foram ministradas 11 aulas, totalizando 15 horas de atividade. O grupo de estudo foi formado por adolescentes com idade entre 13 e 17 anos. A maioria dos adolescentes (83,3%) conversa sobre assuntos relacionados ¨¤ sexualidade com amigos e obt¨¦m informa es na m¨ªdia (55,5%); 17% dos adolescentes afirmaram que j¨¢ tiveram a primeira rela o sexu %K Respect to the body %K Health %K Sexuality %K An¨¢polis-GO %K Respeito ao corpo %K Sa¨²de %K Sexualidade %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/olhardeprofessor/article/view/3629/3008