%0 Journal Article %T CARACTERIZACI車N FORMAL Y FUNCIONAL DE LAS REPETICIONES LING邦赤STICAS EN EL DISCURSO INFANTIL - FORMAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF LINGUISTICS SELF-REPETITIONS IN CHILDREN*S DISCOURSE %A YAMILETH MAR赤A BETANCOURT C車RDOBA %A ROSA GRACIELA MONTES MIR車 %A JAMES L.FIDELHOLTZ %J Revista Psicogente %D 2009 %I Universidad Sim車n Bol赤var %X This work is mainly focused on aspects of children∩s socio-pragmatic development in spontaneous interactions. Among the various linguistic devices that excel in the corpus of this research, we examine the linguistic phenomenon of repetition. This is how we perform the formal and functional characterization of the repetitions of the utterance itself (self-repetition) from the approach of the Systemic-functional Linguistics and the previous investigations that address this topic. Data are collected using the ethnographic method in a computer workshop recreation. 7 Recordings were analyzed, in which 15 children, 4 to 11 years old, of different genders take part. These findings include a correlation between linguistic forms of repetition (textual linguistic formulation and distribution) and the roles they play. We also noticed that as children grow up they develop competences in order to use this device in a strategic way: as to catch the attention of the interlocutor, change or modify behaviors, express one∩s attitude and safeguard their own images and the others %K Self-repetition %K Form and function %K Systemic Functional Linguistics %K Acquisition and Language Development %K Sociopragmatic %K Auto-repetici車n %K Forma y funci車n %K Ling邦赤stica Sist谷mica Funcional %K Adquisici車n y Desarrollo del Lenguaje %K Sociopragm芍tica %U http://www.unisimonbolivar.edu.co/rdigital/psicogente/index.php/psicogente/article/viewFile/177/181