%0 Journal Article %T CULTURA Y ¡°YO¡±. REFLEXIONES SOBRE LA IDENTIDAD MODERNA - CULTURE AND ¡°SELF¡±. REFLECTIONS ON MODERN IDENTITY %A CARMEN ELISA ESCOBAR MAR¨ªA %J Revista Psicogente %D 2009 %I Universidad Sim¨®n Bol¨ªvar %X This paper approaches one of the issues that Charles Taylor proposes as he describes and figures out the genesis of modern identity; the one that explores the relationship between collective and individual identities. The modern idea of being or having a self leads to the notion of inner nature. However, it comes to a self that cannot be fully articulated and that only from a web of interlocution with others can be defined. Thus Taylor examines omnipresent ideals of which we are not aware about right and freedom; this search leads him to the issue of background languages. Without refusing the idea of individuality, he looks for which remains as a fundamental value for the human condition, which ultimately makes our perspective one among other perspectives. Finally, combining Taylor, the Freudian concept of culture, and the thin line between individual and collective psychology, the paper analyzes the concepts of perplexity, horror, and break-in, invoking authors like the ethno-psychoanalyst T. Nathan and A. Sampson %K Culture %K Modernity %K Identity %K Self %K Break-in %K Perplexity %K Cultura %K Modernidad %K Identidad %K Yo %K Efracci¨®n %K Perplejidad %U http://www.unisimonbolivar.edu.co/rdigital/psicogente/index.php/psicogente/article/viewFile/184/187