%0 Journal Article %T La Universidad conectada The wired tower perspectives on the impact of the Internet on higher education. %A Guevara Cruz Horacio %J Revista Q %D 2009 %I Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana %X La universidad conectada, Perspectivas del impacto de Internet en la educaci車n superior de Matthew Serbin nos acerca a los l赤deres de opini車n (y protagonistas en acci車n) de los Estados Unidos en este campo desde una visi車n global y sin divagaciones abordan el impacto del internet con sus transformaciones y desaf赤os. The wired tower perspectives on the impact of the Internet on higher education of Matthew Serbin us to opinion leaders (and players in action) of the United States in this field from an overall and ramblings without addressing the impact of the internet with their transformations and challenges. %K rese a %K tic %K educaci車n %K internet %K impacto %K book review ict %K education %K internet %K impact %U http://revistaq.upb.edu.co/articulos/descargar/267/8/pdf