%0 Journal Article %T El profesor como investigador: acci車n ya! The teacher as a researcher: hands-on %A Terribili Filho Armando %J Revista Q %D 2009 %I Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana %X El texto presenta la importancia de la investigaci車n en el d赤a a d赤a del profesor, mostrando que investigaci車n y docencia son indisociables: sea investigaci車n stricto sensu (en nivel de maestr赤a o doctorado) o de su pr芍ctica pedag車gica, aquella que el profesor debe y puede hacer en su cotidiano. Este artigo presenta los resultados de dos trabajos desarrollados en sala de aula: el primer con 117 alumnos de post-graduaci車n de las ciudades de S o Paulo y S o Jos谷 dos Campos (ambas en Brasil), para validar se la retenci車n de conocimientos est芍 asociada con el uso de los sentidos, o sea, se la comentada relaci車n de retenci車n 20%, 30% e 50% es verdadera: 20% para o赤r, 30% para o赤r y ver, y 50% para o赤r, ver y hacer. La segunda investigaci車n fue hecha con 75 alumnos de post-graduaci車n de una 迆nica instituci車n de ense anza de la ciudad de S o Paulo, que ya son o que ser芍n profesores de ense anza superior. Esta investigaci車n mostr車 cuales fueran los profesores m芍s inolvidables que han tenido, quienes fueran estos profesores, cuales los atributos que ten赤an, se e fuera posible, que mensajes mandar赤an hoy para eses profesores. This text presents us how important is the research in the day-by-day of the teacher, showing that researching and teaching are parts of the same object: the human knowledge. Research can be qualified as two types: stricto sensu (work developed in order to obtain master and doctor degrees) and pedagogical practices (work developed during teaching activity in order to improve the performance). This text also displays the results of two researches: the first one was done with 117 post-graduation students from the Brazilian cities of S o Paulo and S o Jose dos Campos, to verify if the known relation 20%, 30% e 50% (20% to hear; 30% to hear and to see; and 50% to hear, to see and to practice), related to the retention of information using the senses is true. The second research was done with 75 post-graduation students from a single education institution of S o Paulo, who already are undergraduate teachers or are studying to be. This investigation has showed which were the most memorable teacher they have had during their lives, who were those teachers, their attributes, and if possible, what would be the message to be sent to them today. %K ense anza-aprendizaje %K pr芍ctica pedag車gica %K retenci車n de informaci車n %K atributos del profesor %K teaching-learning %K pedagogical practices %K information retention %K teacher attributes %U http://revistaq.upb.edu.co/articulos/descargar/265/9/pdf