%0 Journal Article %T Ciberperiodismo, telefon赤a m車vil y acciones culturales barriales en Medell赤n Digital journalism, mobil network and cultural actions in local neighborhood at Medellin %A Bland車n G車mez Hernando %J Revista Q %D 2010 %I Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana %X Este trabajo es un an芍lisis del uso y apropiaci車n de TIC por las comunidades populares de la ciudad y de la incidencia del ciberperiodismo en las organizaciones culturales barriales y de los gestores culturales de Medell赤n. Se realizaron encuestas a gestores culturales, directores de centros culturales y vecinos en los barrios Santa Cruz, la Am谷rica, Buenos Aires, Santo Domingo y algunos de la comuna 10, en la ciudad de Medell赤n. Se analizaron portales culturales internacionales, nacionales y locales desde los criterios del periodismo electr車nico o ciberperiodismo. Los resultados indican que en Medell赤n existe una brecha digital significativa en el uso y apropiaci車n en TIC por parte de las organizaciones barriales, hecho que neutraliza la labor de las instituciones y gestores culturales por la falta de divulgaci車n en el 芍mbito urbano. Esta aproximaci車n se focaliza en los procesos de apropiaci車n en TIC por parte de las instituciones culturales barriales, para crear un portal cultural interactivo e hipermedial, que permita incentivar una comunidad virtual, cuya plataforma sea la divulgaci車n e interacci車n de las diversas propuestas y acciones culturales entre las organizaciones de los barrios de Medell赤n, a trav谷s de la telefon赤a m車vil. This work carries out an analysis of the use and acquisition of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and its impact on the exercise of digital journalism by arts institutions in local neighborhoods and arts managers in Medell赤n. For that goal, surveys were held among arts managers, directors of cultural centers and residents of the neighborhoods Santa Cruz, La Am谷rica, Buenos Aires, Santo Domingo and some neighborhoods of Comuna 10 [a conglomerate of neighborhoods in the north-east of the city]. National and international arts portals were analysed based on the criteria of digital journalism. The results indicate the existence in Medell赤n of a significant digital gap in the use and acquisition of ICT buy arts institutions, a fact that makes the work of the arts managers invisible. Management that is silenced as a result of the lack of diffusion in the arts circuit in the city. This study focuses on the processes of acquisition in ICT by arts institutions in the local neighborhoods, in order to establish an interactive and hypermedia portal model, which allows generating a virtual community, the platform of which will be diffusion and the interaction between arts activities in the neighborhoods in Medell赤n, through mobile network. %K brecha digital %K ciberperiodismo %K cultura %K gestor cultural %K instituciones culturales barriales %K tic %K arts institutions in local neighborhood %K culture %K digital gap %K digital journalism %K ict %U http://revistaq.upb.edu.co/articulos/descargar/351/12/pdf