%0 Journal Article %T LE OSSIDIANE DI PALMAROLA I MARKER DI PROVENIENZA %A Andrea Macchia %A A. Manda %A L. Campanella %A S. Plattener %J Archeomatica %D 2012 %I A C2000 %X Le tracce di ossidiane e la caratterizzazione delle componenti chimiche presenti nei luoghi oggetto di indagini archeologiche, permettono l'individuazione delle antiche rotte commerciali. In Italia le aree individuate sono Monte Arci in Sardegna, Lipari e Pantelleria in Sicilia e Palmarola nel Lazio. Obsidian from Palmarola: source markers A chemical characterization of the main components and traces of obsidian allows identi cation of commercial routes in antiquity. Obsidian sources in Prehistoric Italy were mainly four: Monte Arci in Sardinia, the islands of Lipari and Pantelleria in Sicily and the island of Palmarola in Lazio. A survey methodology on samples of obsidian from several Neolithic sites in Lazio has been developed, comparing three different analytical techniques: SEM-EDS, XRF and LA-ICP-MS, in order to obtain a wider range of data to be compared with literature records and processed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to de ne relationships between samples and to assign each nding its origin. %K Ossidiana %K Lazio %K SEM-EDS %K XRF %K LA-ICP-MS %U http://rivistageomedia.it/ojs/index.php/archeomatica/article/view/84