%0 Journal Article %T VALIDACI¨®N DE LA VERSI¨®N REDUCIDA DE LAS ESCALAS ASI Y AMI EN UNA MUESTRA DE ESTUDIANTES ESPA OLES - VALIDATION OF SCALES SHORTENED VERSION OF ASI AND AMI STUDENTS IN A SAMPLE OF SPANISH %A YOLANDA RODR¨ªGUEZ CASTRO %A MAR¨ªA LAMEIRAS FERN¨¢NDEZ %A MAR¨ªA VICTORIA CARRERA FERN¨¢NDEZ %J Revista Psicogente %D 2009 %I Universidad Sim¨®n Bol¨ªvar %X The objective of this paper is to validate a Spanish short version of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI: Glick & Fiske, 1996) and of the Ambivalence Toward Men Inventory (AMI: Glick & Fiske, 1999) using a random sample of 1.113 Spanish students (50,1% female and49,9% male) with ages ranging from 14 to 18 years (mean age = 15.4; SD:1.1). Results showthat the Spanish short version of the ASI (12 items) and the AMI (12 items) are reliable and valid. These findings confirm the hypothesis that hostility and benevolence form two distinct subsystems on both scales (ASI and AMI), and that they represent opposing assessments toward women and men %K Hostile sexism %K Benevolent %K Ambivalent %K Validation %K Sexismo hostil %K Sexismo benevolente %K Sexismo ambivalente %K Validaci¨®n %U http://www.unisimonbolivar.edu.co/rdigital/psicogente/index.php/psicogente/article/viewFile/176/180