%0 Journal Article %T Tecnologia: Conceitos e Dimens es %A Jos¨¦ Carlos Teixeira da Silva %J Revista Produ£¿£¿o Online %D 2003 %I %X This paper discusses technology concepts and dimensions, in the field oftechnology management at the manufacture sector, with respect to product and process. Itanalyses the generic use nowadays of the term ¡°technology¡± like ¡°educationtechnology¡±or management technology¡±, which are essentially methodology and nottechnology.Considering the embedded technology in products/process, and technologycapability in the organizations, was possible the development or the deployment of theterm ¡°technology¡± creating the concepts of ¡°macrotechnology¡± and ¡°microtechnology¡±.While the macrotechnology is referent to the systemic concept inside the organization, themicrotechnology is referent to the technology inside the product/process. Starting withthese concepts is possible to analyse strategic and operational aspects of the organizationwith respect the product technology, the process technology, the technology vulnerability,and the technology capabilit.y. With a preliminar exploratory research was possible toknow some ascpects of the organizations¡¯s behavior in the field of the technology at themanufacture sector. It was detected limited capability in those organizations with respectthe components of microtecnology, like the ¡°core technoloy¡± and the¡± boundariestechnologies¡± , either to the product or process. The same conclusion is valide to thetechnology capability of those companies, related with the macrotechnology concept. %K Technology. Technology management. Product development. %U http://www.producaoonline.ufsc.br/v03n01/artigos.php