%0 Journal Article %T IMPLICACIONES, ALCANCES Y L赤MITES DE LA ACCI車N SOCIAL DE LAS EMPRESAS PYMES - IMPLICATIONS, SCOPE AND LIMITS OF THE ENTERPRISES* PYMES SOCIAL ACTION %A CARMEN ALICIA ALGAR赤N BLANCO %J Revista Psicogente %D 2010 %I Universidad Sim車n Bol赤var %X In the Small and Medium Enterprises (PYME), the issue of social responsibility is new and unclear. This fact does not allow us to visualize it as a factor for competitiveness and sustainability; therefore, it causes fear and rejection, demanding reorganization in its current management model. To provide tools that promote a social responsible action into the PYME Enterprises, there is a program posed as a strategy in order to strengthen human talent management, the area responsible for sustainable human development, therefore, a basicaspect of corporate social responsibility. A training program was carried out, articulating theoretical and practical elements that would encourage a self participative diagnosis, as well as making managers aware of this need; after a change of perception and a process of opening, trust and respect towards it.ResumenEn la Peque a y Mediana Empresa (PYME), el tema de la responsabilidad social es incipiente y poco claro. Esto impide visualizarlo como factor de competitividad y sostenibilidad, y genera temor y resistencia, pues en 迆ltimas exige replantear su actual modelo de gesti車n. Con el fin de proporcionar herramientas que promuevan la acci車n social responsable al interior de estas empresas, se plante車 como estrategia un programa encaminado a fortalecer la gesti車n deltalento humano, 芍rea responsable del desarrollo humano sostenible y, por tanto, un aspecto b芍sico de la responsabilidad social empresarial. Concretamente, se ejecut車 un programa de capacitaci車n articulando elementos te車rico-pr芍cticos que estimularan un autodiagn車sticoparticipativo y que, adem芍s, sensibilizara a un grupo de peque os empresarios frente al tema, en pos de un cambio de percepci車n y un proceso de apertura, confianza y respeto hacia el mismo. %K Corporate Social Responsibility %K Human talent management %K Environment %K Responsible social behavior %K Competitiveness %K Sustainability %K Opening %K change %K Responsabilidad social empresarial %K Gesti車n del talento humano %K Medio ambiente %K Comportamiento social responsable %K Competitividad %K Sostenibilidad %K Apertura %K Cambio %U http://www.unisimonbolivar.edu.co/rdigital/psicogente/index.php/psicogente/article/viewFile/233/222