%0 Journal Article %T IMPLICACIONES DEL BULLYING O MALTRATO ENTRE PARES EN EL DESARROLLO PSICOAFECTIVO DE NI OS Y NI AS EN ETAPA DE LATENCIA - IMPLICATIONS OF ABUSE OR BULLYING IN THE PSYCHOAFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN PAIRS OF CHILDREN IN LATENCY STAGE %A SARA ZABARA¨ªN COGOLLO %A DALGIS S¨¢NCHEZ PAB¨®N %J Revista Psicogente %D 2009 %I Universidad Sim¨®n Bol¨ªvar %X This article presents the implications of psycho-Bullying in the Development of Children in the latency stage belonging to the Core Education No. 1 in the city of Santa Marta. The quantitative research was a descriptive cross-sectional design.For the selection of the population handled the non-probability sampling technique intentional. Was applied to 250 children, the questionnaire developed at the Autonomous University of Madrid for the Ombudsman¡¯s report on Violence in Schools (Ombudsman, 2000) and then 95 children were selected and girls victims of bullying, to measure the impact on psychoemotional development, we used the test Wartegg (1960). The aftermath of abuse peer emotional level, mainly reflected in: insecurity, low self-esteem, establishing relationships with, and phobic poor adaptation predominance social instability in their achievements and their alternation in moods %K Bullying %K Psycho-emotional development %K Self-esteem %K Interpersonal relationship %K Problem solving %K Social adjustment %K Desarrollo Psicoafectivo %K Autoestima %K Relaciones interpersonales %K Soluci¨®n de problemas %K Adaptaci¨®n social %U http://www.unisimonbolivar.edu.co/rdigital/psicogente/index.php/psicogente/article/viewFile/187/190