%0 Journal Article %T IMPLICATII ECONOMICE N NVATATURA SFINTEI TRADITII A BISERICII ORTODOXE %A Radu MARIAN %J Revista Romana de Economie %D 2012 %I Romanian Academy %X The basis of the economic implications in the Sacred Tradition of the Ortodox Church consist in the socio-economic realities that confronted the Church from the very beginning, besides the endeavours made by the Holy Fathers to give responses, both subjective (through written works, rules, etc.) and objective (Synod¡¯s decisious, liturgical collections, etc.) to material developments. Economics in the Church¡¯s Tradition is a miraculous one, dependent on Divinity, which achieves maximum effectiveness by filtering the economic deeds of any kind in following and fulfilling the rules of Christian Ethic. %K tradition %K church %K economics %K morality. %U http://www.revecon.ro/articles/2012-1/2012-1-9.pdf