%0 Journal Article %T A EDUCA O SOCIOAMBIENTAL E O PRINC¨ªPIO DA RESPONSABILIDADE PARA ESTUDANTES PRIVADOS DE LIBERDADE %A Ires Aparecida Falcade-Pereira %J Olhar de Professor %D 2011 %I Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa %R 10.5212/olharprofr.v.14i2.0004 %X Thinking about the education of students who are prison or detention nowadays only makes sense if it has meaning as a social reintegration process and is connected to the socio-environmental transformations and responsibilities facing the sustainability of the planet. This paper portrays, in essence, re ection about pedagogical practice in the prison context from the standpoint of environmental education. In this time of consumerism and individualism, we are lead to think about the principle of responsibility as a necessity in the transformation through education, in the deprivation of liberty, and to look at the practices related to human activity as possible challenges. Education within the penal system demands a critical and innovative posture, providing the possibility of social transformation through attitudes and pedagogical practice. Even when deprived of liberty, the student should seek a harmonious relationship between all existing ways of life on the planet, perceiving them as part of this process. The resumption of the human capacity to articulate the ideas and actions that can transform the current degradations in practical, sustainable measures, allowing the continuity of life on the planet, and speci cally human existence, is part of the Biology teaching method carried out in the CEEBJA MarioFaraco, in the state of Paran¨¢. Re ecting on this with students deprived of liberty mobilizes a different posture against itself, the planet and society as a whole.Resumo: Pensar a educa o para estudantes privados de liberdade nos dias atuais s¨® faz sentido se for dotada de signi cado enquanto processo de reinser o social e conectada com as transforma es socioambientais e responsabilidade frente ¨¤ sustentabilidade do planeta. Este artigo retrata, em ess¨ºncia, uma re ex o sobre a pr¨¢tica pedag¨®gica no contexto prisional, a partir da educa o socioambiental. Evidenciado pelo consumismo e individualismo, o momento nos leva a pensar o princ¨ªpio da responsabilidade como necessidade de transforma o, pela educa o, na priva o de liberdade, e a encarar as pr¨¢ticas relativas ao agir humano como desa os poss¨ªveis. A educa o no Sistema Penitenci¨¢rio exige postura cr¨ªtica e inovadora, de forma a propiciar, por meio de atitudes e pr¨¢tica pedag¨®gica, a transforma o social. Mesmo privado/a de liberdade, o/a estudante deve buscar o relacionamento harmonioso entre todas as formas de vida existentes no planeta, percebendo-se como parte desse processo. A retomada da capacidade humana em articular as ideias e a es que poder o transformar as degrada es atuais e %K Socio-environmental education %K Principle of responsibility %K Sustainability %K Students deprived of liberty %K Educa o socioambiental %K Princ¨ªpio da responsabilidade. %K Sustentabilidade. Estudantes privados de liberdade %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/olhardeprofessor/article/view/3512/2516