%0 Journal Article %T Review for the volume Social competences and personality by Viorel Robu, published at Lumen Publishing House, 2011 %A Ana CARAS %J Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala %D 2012 %I Lumen %X The volume Social competences and personality by Viorel Robu presents in a descriptive manner the concept of social competence, but also in an exploratory manner the applicability of social skills obtained in a study whose subjects investigated are represented by Psychology specialization students. The author supports the scientific approach initiated by exposing a theoretical and practical part, actually elaborating a gradual information process. The reviewed volume makes a transition from introductory aspects of social skills to methodological elements and furthermore to the applied study, and finishes with the theoretical implications that the authorĄ¯s approach may have at social-human level. From methodological point of view, the volume presents three models through which the author tried to explain and describe the organization of personality from psychometric approach ¨C factorial models proposed by H. J. Eysenck and R. B. Cattell, called the Big Five model. The Big Five model was developed in the applied undertaken study whose results are presented in the third chapter of this reviewed paper. %K Review %K Social competences and personality %K Viorel Robu %K social competences %K personality %U http://revistaromaneasca.ro/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Review-for-the-volume-Social-competences-and-personality-by-Viorel-Robu-published-at-Lumen-Publishing-House-20111.pdf