%0 Journal Article %T Profile of patients acometidos for head injury admitted in the public hospital of the city of Jequi¨¦ in the Bahia %A Indira de Oliveira Gomes %A Luciana Ara¨²jo dos Reis %A Claudio Henrique Meira Mascarenhas %J Revista Sa¨²de.Com %D 2011 %I Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia %X This study aimed to draw the profile of patients affected by traumatic brain injury admitted to a hospital in the Jequi¨¦, BA. This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study conducted in clinical medicine and surgery of a public hospital, through a structured questionnaire concerning sociodemographic, lifestyle and issues related to traumatic brain injury. 15 patients were victims of traumatic brain injury, are more frequent in males (86.67%), ages 20 to 39 years (33.33%), education for the 2nd degree (46.66%) , unmarried (53.33%) and income of up to one minimum salary (86.67%). Regarding life habits, most of the sample were alcoholics, non-smoker (66.67%). The cause of traumagreater frequency were motorcycle accidents ( 53.33 %),with clinical diagnoses of the largest distribution mild Traumatic brain injury (26.67 %). The occurrence of death was present in 13.33% of patients affected by brain trauma. Thus, it becomes clear that the victims of head trauma patients are mostly men, young adults, and that alcoholics are the leading cause automobile accidents. %K head injury %K epidemiology %K morbity %U http://www.uesb.br/revista/rsc/v7/v7n1a02.pdf