%0 Journal Article %T La visualizaci¨Žn en los primeros ciclos de la educaci¨Žn b¨˘sica. Posibilidades y complejidad %A Gustavo Marmolejo %J Revista Sigma %D 2011 %I %X This paper attempts to attract attention about the complexity that is seeing in the geometric figures, matter that is far from being obvious and spontaneous for our students, even for some of their educators. Equally, it proposes to highlight the opportunities in the learning of the mathematics for students who have studied the heuristic possibilities that the figures offer in the understanding of mathematical tasks. %K Visualization %K Figures %K Operations %K Areas %K Fractions. %U http://revistasigma.udenar.edu.co/articulos/Vol%C3%BAmen%20X%202/2.pdf