%0 Journal Article %T Una Aproximaci¨Žn Sociocultural hacia una Educaci¨Žn Matem¨˘tica para Sordos %A Claudia Naranjo %J Revista Sigma %D 2011 %I %X Thanks to the partner-anthropological vision of the deafness from the decade of the 70 ' s, the education comes worrying to reframe its conceptions exceeds what is the special education and that they must be part of her. The most interesting conclusion is than the deafness does not imply mental deficiency. This has caused that all the areas pertaining to the education worry to think later about the integration and about the inclusion of deaf people in the regular classrooms of class. For the case of the mathematical education, the reframing as soon as they have important effects as of the last years, leaving great tasks for the mathematical educators of the present and the future. In this article a theoretical approach is realised on the fundamental ideas that they are due to consider when dealing with deaf community, according to the report of the investigation Learning of the algebraic concept of variable and its relation with the representations semioticses in a deaf population, presented/displayed by Claudia Naranjo in March of 2011 in the University of Nari o, like work of degree to choose the title of Lawyer in Mathematics. %K auditory %K quality %K capacity %K citizens %K competitions %K incapacity %K education %K inclusion %K integration %K mathematics %K deafness %U http://revistasigma.udenar.edu.co/articulos/Vol%C3%BAmen%20X%202/3.pdf