%0 Journal Article %T A Comparative Evaluation of Cryptographic Algorithms %A Kumar Saurabh %A Ravinder singh Mann %J International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications %D 2012 %I Technopark Publications %X Security of information has become animportant issue in data communication.Encryption has come up as a solution, andplays a vital role in information securitysystem. This security mechanism usessome algorithms to scramble data intounreadable text which can be only beingdecoded or decrypted by party thosepossesses the associated key. Thesealgorithms consume a significant amountof computing resources such as CPU time,memory and battery power andcomputation time. This paper performscomparative analysis of three algorithm;ECC, AES and RSA considering certainparameters such as computation time andcomplexity of the algorithms. Acryptographic tool is used for conductingexperiments. Experiments results are givento analyses the effectiveness of eachalgorithm %K Encryption %K secret key encryption %K public key encryption %K ECC %K RSA %K AES %K encryption. %U http://ijcta.com/documents/volumes/vol3issue5/ijcta2012030501.pdf