%0 Journal Article %T Wireless Sensor Networks Issues and Applications %A Rajkumar %A Vani B A %A Kiran Jadhav %A Vidya S %J International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications %D 2012 %I Technopark Publications %X Wireless Sensor Networks have come to theforefront of the scientific community recently. CurrentWSNs typically communicate directly with a centralizedcontroller or satellite. On the other hand, a smart WSNconsists of a number of sensors spread across a geographicalarea; each sensor has wireless communication capabilityand sufficient intelligence for signal processing andnetworking of the data. The structures of WSNs are tightlyapplication-dependent, and many services are also dependenton application semantics. Thus, there is no single typicalWSN application, and dependency on applications is higherthan in traditional distributed applications. Theapplication/middleware layer must provide functions thatcreate effective new capabilities for efficient extraction,manipulation, transport, and representation of informationderived from sensor data. This paper provides a survey ofWireless Sensor Networks Issues and Applications, wherethe use of such sensor networks has been proposed %K Wireless Sensor Network %K Issues and Applications %U http://ijcta.com/documents/volumes/vol3issue5/ijcta2012030504.pdf