%0 Journal Article %T THE EFFECT OF PSYCHODRAMA ON THE PERCEPTIONS OF PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS OF COUNSELORS %A Zeynep HAMAMCI %A Aysel ESEN £¿OBAN %J Ondokuz May£¿s University Journal of Education %D 2009 %I Ondokuz May?s University %X This study aims to examine the effect of attending a psychodrama group on the perceptions of the problem solving skills of counselors. 21 counselors who work at the state schools in Gaziantep have participated in the study. Firstly, counselors who volunteered to participate in the study were assigned to the experimental and control groups randomly. Then a Problem Solving Inventory was administered to both groups as a pre-test. A 10 session psychodrama application has been conducted with the participants in the experimental group while the control group received no treatment. The same measurement tools have been applied twice on both experimental and control groups: one week after the end of the first application and 6 months later. The data gathered have been analyzed by using 2X3 way ANOVA to examine the effectiveness of the treatment. The analysis of the data has indicated an increase in the perceptions of the problem solving skills of the counselors who attended the psychodrama group. However, this change has not been observed in follow- up measurement. %K Problem solving skills %K counselor and psychodrama %U http://dergi.omu.edu.tr/index.php/EDUCATION/article/view/836/16