%0 Journal Article %T The Effect of Toughening Combined with Microjet Cooling During Quenching (Solution Heat Treatment) of Calcium Carbide-modified CuAl10Fe4Ni4 Alloy on its Mechanical Properties %A Z. G¨®rny %A S. Kluska Nawarecka %A K. Saja %J Archives of Foundry Engineering %D 2013 %I De Gruyter Open %X The work presents the results of the experimental research concerning the impact of a heat treatment (toughening) of aluminum bronze CuAl10Fe4Ni4 on its mechanical properties. The conditions of the experiments and selected results are described. A detailed description of the effects of individual heat treatment conditions namely low and high temperature aging is also presented in the work. %K Cast aluminum bronzes %K Heat treatment %U http://www.afe.polsl.pl/index.php/pl/3668/the-effect-of-toughening-combined-with-microjet-cooling-during-quenching-solution-heat-treatment-of-calcium-carbide-modified-cual10fe4ni4-alloy-on-its-mechanical-properties.pdf