%0 Journal Article %T Comparison of Three Greedy Routing Algorithms for Efficient Packet Forwarding in VANET %A K. Lakshmi %A K.Thilagam %A K. Rama %A A.Jeevarathinam %J International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications %D 2012 %I Technopark Publications %X VANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) are highlymobile wireless ad hoc networks and will play animportant role in public safety communicationsand commercial applications. In VANET nodeswhich are vehicles can move safety with highspeed and must communicate quickly andreliably. When an accident occurs in a road orhighway, alarm messages must be disseminated,instead of ad hoc routed, to inform all othervehicles. Vehicular ad hoc network architectureand cellular technology to achieve intelligentcommunication and improve road traffic safetyand efficiency . VANET can perform effectivecommunication by utilizing routing information.In this paper, we have discussed about threegreedy routing algorithms, and have comparedto show which one is efficient in deliveringpackets in terms of mobility, nodes andtransmission range %K VANET %K MANET %K Routing Protocol %K GNGR %K ENGR %K PDGR %U http://ijcta.com/documents/volumes/vol3issue1/ijcta2012030126.pdf