%0 Journal Article %T O futuro paranaense em seu meio natural: a escrita de Domingos Nascimento e a produ o de uma identidade ao Paran¨¢ no in¨ªcio do s¨¦culo XX %A Fernanda Lorandi Lorenzetti %J Revista Tempo, Espa£¿o e Linguagem %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste %X This article analyzes the work of Paran¨¢ state writer DomingosNascimento in the early 20th century. I seek to understand in what way the author has tried to establish an ideal Paran¨¢ state, marked by the existence of a ¡®magnificent¡¯ natural environment, useful to progress. The author had a specific identification intent towards Paran¨¢ state, connected above all to the natural features of the state, particularly when they had economic potentials, as well as idealized territorial and populational speculation. Several proposals by Nascimento came from the fruitful context in which he was inserted, since his writing was permeated with thoughts on technicalimprovements, the evolution brought forth by machinery use, and on thedefense of progress based on rationalities and the maintenance of order. %K Nature %K Progress %K Identity %K Paran¨¢ (state) %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/tel/article/view/2604/1946