%0 Journal Article %T The First National Congress of Scientists in Chile: The Popular Unity Government, Technology, Science, and Development / El Primer Congreso Nacional de Cient¨ªficos en Chile: Unidad Popular, tecnolog¨ªa, ciencia y desarrollo %A Margaret M. Power %J Revista SudHistoria %D 2011 %I %X This article explores how the Unidad Popular (UP) government (1970-1973) of Chile conceptualized the connection between its socialist model of development and science and technology. To do so it focuses on the UP-sponsored National Congress of Scientists, which was held in Santiago in July 1972. This Congress, which was the first of its kind organized in Chile, brought together UP officials, scientists, technologists, workers, and industrialists. %K Popular Unity Government %K Technology and Science %K Development %K Congress of Scientists. %U http://www.sudhistoria.cl/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/The-First-National-Congress-M.-Power.pdf