%0 Journal Article %T O faxinal e a narrativa tr¨˘gica %A H¨Ślio Sochodolak %A Jair Antunes %J Revista Tempo, EspaŁżo e Linguagem %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste %X This essay presents tragic narrative as a world view manifestationin Faxinal people inhabiting Southern Paran¨˘ state, Brazil. For the Greek,tragic narrative was the locus in which the Hellenic community set aside all individualization, taking the perspective of a natural unit of origin. As logic-Socratic perspective rose, such tragic perspective would have been lost to Westernness. However, we believe that in some extent and operating through analogies, to this day we can find elements similar to the Greek tragic culture in the narratives of populations in the margins of the dominant scientificist culture. In oral narratives and in rituals of Faxinal populations, aspects of a certain perspective emerge ¨C a perspective which brings back a great amount of elements which had constituted pre-Platonic tragedy, and a part of the Hellenic quotidian in century V b.C. This can be seen in the cyclical perspective of time, for example, which breaks the linear perspective of Western temporality, counting time as the seasons pass, or as holy days of planting and harvest pass. We intend to work in this article from this perspective in contemporary tragic narrative. %K Faxinal %K Tragic narrative %K Cyclic time %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/tel/article/view/2608/1950