%0 Journal Article %T Di¨¢logo entre hist¨®ria e literatura no romance hist¨®rico Rastros de Sangue..., de David Carneiro %A Daiane Vaiz Machado %A Raphael Nunes Nicoletti Sebrian %J Revista Tempo, Espa£¿o e Linguagem %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste %X This article discusses the relation between history and literaturein the historic novel Rastros de Sangue¡­, written between 1955 and 1967 by the Paran¨¢ state historian David Antonio da Silva Carneiro (1904-1990). The novel is set in the city of Curitiba, Paran¨¢ state, during the Revolu o Federalista (1893-1895), and within such context the author had created the two main characters, Julia de Castro and her fianc¨¦, Carlos Antonio Balster, a fighter in the Ex¨¦rcito Nacional Libertador led by Gumercindo Saraiva in the city of Lapa, Paran¨¢ state. The objective of this article is to understand the processes of building fiction while verifying historical and documental possibilities in the themes presented by the fictional production. %K History %K Literature %K Fiction %K Historical romance %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/tel/article/view/2605/1947