%0 Journal Article %T ¨ªndios Kaingang e Colonizadores: vers es do conflito na Vila da Pitanga, 1923. %A Grazieli Eurich %A Raphael Nunes Nicoletti Sebrian %J Revista Tempo, Espa£¿o e Linguagem %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste %X This paper addresses the conflict between the Kaing¨¢ng indigenouspopulation and non-indigenous colonizers in April 1923 in the centerof Vila da Pitanga (currently the city of Pitanga, Paran¨¢ state, Southern Brazil). I shall analyze the versions of this conflict available in the newspaper O Pharol (April 1923), in the Interrogat¨®rio dos ¨ªndios Detidos (1923), and in the regional books Abril Violento: a revolta dos ¨ªndios Kaingangs (1999) by Manuel Borba de Camargo, and Lend¨¢rio Caminho do Peabiru na Serra da Pitanga (2002) by Terezinha Aguiar Vaz. %K Pitanga (village) %K Conflict %K Indians %K Settlers %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/tel/article/view/2603/1945