%0 Journal Article %T Educadores em disputa: Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educa o P¨²blica do Paran¨¢ em Irati/PR (1998-2002) %A Jos¨¦ Jailton Camargo %A Rosemeri Moreira %J Revista Tempo, Espa£¿o e Linguagem %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste %X The article discusses the process of implanting the regional office of the public education workers¡¯ syndicate (APP-Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educa o P¨²blica) in the city of Irati, Paran¨¢. The objective was to perceive the process in its historical and political implications within the education-working class. The time range is based on the syndicate foundation in 1988 and the effective opening of the Irati regional headquarters in 2002. Interviews and printed materials have been used, such as logs, newsletters, and pamphlets produced by the entity. %K Political arena %K Unionism %K Power %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/tel/article/view/2630/1972