%0 Journal Article %T Embates discursivos em torno do crime de sedu o em Londrina-Paran¨˘ (1940-1970) %A Clodoaldo Oliveira Silva %J Revista Tempo, Espa£żo e Linguagem %D 2011 %I Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste %X On the basis of criminal proceedings about the crime of seduction, in the city of Londrina-Pr between 1940 and 1970, reflects-on Article 217 of the Penal Code Brazilian 1940, involving the influence of positivism in construction and maintenance of the idea of women as queen of the home, whose task would be the maternity, as well as the hypothesis that repressive censurava the speeches on sex, feeding the myth of inferiority female. %K Seduction %K sex %K law %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/tel/article/view/2667/2241