%0 Journal Article %T Studiu privind sursele de cre tere a competitivit ii Muzeului Na ional de Istorie a Romaniei n contextul dezvolt rii urbane prin analiza percep iei vizitatorilor %A Ruxandra-Irina POPESCU %A R£¿zvan-Andrei CORBO£¿ %J Revista Transilvan£¿ de £¿tiin£¿e Administrative %D 2011 %I Babes Bolyai University %X The increasing influence of culture in the contemporary society, along with the higher importance of tourism in the economy have in recent years led to the opening of logo museums, which represent a city attraction that cannot be missed by visitors and also a reason for visitors to prolong their stay, resulting into more money spent in that city. Practice proves that museums do not represent anymore just a cultural resource, but also an economic resource for cities. Therefore, cultural management gains more and more popularity thanks to the specific goals it aims: reaching a satisfactory effectiveness for cultural organizations from an educational point of view and setting an adequate level of economic efficiency.In this context, our study is aimed at analyzing visitors¡¯ perception on the Romanian National History Museum, by analyzing data gathered in a survey based on a questionnaire, that indicated the level of information visitors have in relation to the museum, their opinion about the exhibitions¡¯ quality and collection attractiveness, as well as the level of satisfaction. We consider the results may contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the museum¡¯s activity, both from a cultural and educational point of view, as well as from an economic and financial perspective, as key factor for increasing the competitiveness of this type of cultural organization. %K urban development %K urban competition %K museums %K visitors %K marketing mix %K competitiveness %U http://rtsa.ro/files/RTSA-29-2011-10POPESCU,%20CORBOS.pdf