%0 Journal Article %T NOUA POLITIC DE COMUNICARE A ADMINISTRA IEI CENTRALE EUROPENE. DOCUMENTE PROGRAMATICE %A Valentina PRICOPIE %J Revista Transilvan£¿ de £¿tiin£¿e Administrative %D 2011 %I Babes Bolyai University %X Transversal studies on emerging European communication are quite few in number, while the approach to the policies and strategies launched by the European Commission ever since 2005 is still very speci c or contingent. Our aim is to conduct a comprehensive study on what are still the early stages of the concept of ¡®emerging European communication¡¯. The article investigates four programmatic documents of the European Commission, the White Paper on a European Communication Policy, the Action Plan to ImproveCommunicating Europe, the Plan D for Democracy,Dialogue and Debate, and the Strategy Europe 2020, as well as one resolution of the European Parliament, Journalism and new media ¨C creating a public sphere in Europe, all describing the new European communication policy. The analyzed key-directions relate to the reference point of all these debates and initiatives ¨C the Eurobarometer, an unbiased tool of sociological measurement, which fully con rms the communication breakdown between European citizens and the institutions which represent them ¨C the ¡®favorable¡¯ premise of a communication policy for the European Union. %K European Union %K communication policy %K action plan %K Plan D %K White Paper %U http://rtsa.ro/files/RTSA-30-2012-8PRICOPIE.pdf