%0 Journal Article %T Viable yet Protected for Future Generations? An Examination of the Extensive Forest-Based Tourism Market %A Bruce Prideaux %A Karen Elizabeth McNamara %A Hana Sakata %J Revista Turismo em An¨¢lise %D 2012 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %X This article focuses on forest tourism and rainforests in particular, and explores their potential to contribute to the global tourism industry. The specific objectives of the study were to develop a profile, including motivations, of tourists visiting the Wet Tropics rainforest of Australia and to identify previous patterns of forest visitation in both Australia and other global destinations. A survey of 1,408 visitors conducted at a number of Wet Tropics rainforest sites in the tropical north region of Australia found that over 37% of the sample had previously visited forests while on holidays indicating that forest-based tourism is a major component to the nature-based market. Countries and forested sites in South-East Asia were the most popular as holiday attractions with over 13% of respondents having visited these sites. This was followed by countries of the South Pacific, North America, South America, Central America, Africa, South Asia and China, the Caribbean and Europe. While overall this is a promising result, forest-based tourism faces a number of pressures including urban settlement, extractive industries and in the near future climate change. Keywords: forests; rainforests; nature-based tourism; Tropical North Queensland; Wet Tropics rainforest. Resumo Este artigo enfoca o turismo de florestas e florestas tropicais em particular e explora seu potencial em contribuir para a ind¨²stria de turismo global. Os objetivos espec¨ªficos deste estudo foram: desenvolver um perfil, incluindo as motiva es, dos turistas que visitam a Wet Tropics, floresta tropical da Austr¨¢lia e identificar padr es anteriores de visita o de florestas tanto na Austr¨¢lia quanto em outros destinos globais. Uma pesquisa com 1.408 visitantes conduzida em v¨¢rios locais com florestas tropicais Wet Tropics na regi o tropical norte da Austr¨¢lia concluiu que mais de 37% da amostra j¨¢ tinham visitado previamente as florestas quando estavam em f¨¦rias indicando que o turismo baseado em florestas ¨¦ um componente essencial ao mercado baseado na natureza. Pa¨ªses e locais com florestas no sudeste da ¨¢sia eram as atra es mais populares nas f¨¦rias com mais de 13% de pesquisados tendo visitado estes locais. Isto foi seguido por pa¨ªses do Pac¨ªfico sul, Am¨¦rica do norte, Am¨¦rica do Sul, Am¨¦rica Central, ¨¢frica, sul da ¨¢sia e China, Caribe e Europa. Enquanto, de maneira geral, este ¨¦ um resultado promissor, o turismo baseado em florestas enfrenta um n¨²mero de press es, como assentamento urbano, ind¨²strias de extra o e em um futuro pr¨®ximo: mudan as clim¨¢ticas. Palavras-chave: florestas, flor %K forests %K rainforests %K nature-based tourism %K Tropical North Queensland %K Wet Tropics rainforest. %U http://www.turismoemanalise.org.br/turismoemanalise/article/view/352