%0 Journal Article %T The Effect of Phosphatidylcholine and Deoxycholate Compound Injections to the Localized Adipose Tissue: An Experimental Study with a Murine Model %A Yongjoon Noh %A Chan-Yeong Heo %J Archives of Plastic Surgery %D 2012 %I The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons %R http://dx.doi.org/10.5999/aps.2012.39.5.452 %X Background Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholate (DCA) compound has been recentlyused for the purpose of partial lipolysis and is valued for its efficacy and lower invasivenesscompared to liposuction and dermolipectomy used previously. In this article, the authors discussthe efficacy of the PPC dissolved in DCA via an experimental rat study model, along with suggestinga useful animal experimental model for the study of adipose tissue and lipolysis.Methods Bilateral inguinal fat pads of an experimental rat were elevated with the deep inferiorepigastric vessel as the sole vascular pedicle. Normal saline was injected on one side as acontrol group and a PPC and DCA compound was injected on the other side. After 4 days, therats were euthanized for microscopic tissue examination. The pathology was scored by a semiquantitativesystem in 4 categories: normal fat amount, fat necrosis, inflammatory activity,and stage of fibrosis. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test powered by SPSS packet program was usedfor statistical analysis and to determine significance.Results Microscopic examination was performed on the obtained samples, and theexperimental data of all four categories showed significant histologic differences compared tothe control group. All of the data also showed statistical significance by the Wilcoxon signedranktest (P<0.01).Conclusions In the inguinal fat pad rat model, the control group and the experimental grouphad a differed significantly in the amount of normal fat tissue, inflammation, necrosis, andfibrosis. We recommend the rat inguinal fat pad model used in this study, as it is likely to beuseful in related research. %K Phosphatidylcholine %K Lipolysis %K Fat body %K Deoxycholate %U http://www.e-aps.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/2023APS/aps-39-452.pdf