%0 Journal Article %T ※ All芍 viene el temporal§: Clima y mitolog赤a entre lo culto y lo popular %A Liliana Ramos Collado %J Revista Umbral %D 2009 %I %X Resumen Los fen車menos clim芍ticos a trav谷s de la historia cultural suelen asumir relatos fantasiosos. La narraci車n final plasmada a lo largo de la historia, recrea de forma autom芍tica los discursos del relato aceptado. Los eventos fortuitos han pasado a ser parte de una visi車n que manifiesta la tempestad y el castigo, que limpiar芍n la cultura. Se analizan los grandes metarrelatos simb車licos de la historia occidental que han producido un pensamiento de mitificaci車n idealizada. La imagen de la tormenta es ingobernable y viene a significar la limpieza, del gobierno y la cat芍strofe, de la ley y el orden. Este lenguaje internalizado en toda manifestaci車n de vida, expresa la elocuencia del ambiente vivo, que abandonan el repertorio cuando esta lleno de augurios que anuncian la llegada de una tormenta. La renuncia comunitaria para atender el calentamiento global incrementa la ferocidad de estos eventos que mitol車gicamente, limpiaran todo, borrar芍n la vida, para comenzar nuevos paradigmas. Palabras claves:Temporal, mitolog赤a, clima, lenguaje internalizado, metarrelatos de fen車menos clim芍ticos. Abstract The climatic phenomena across the cultural history are in the habit of assuming prone to fantasizing statements. The final story formed along the history, it(he,she) recreates of automatic form the speeches of the accepted statement. The fortuitous events have occurred to be a partof a vision that demonstrates the tempest and the punishment, which they will clean the culture. There are analyzed the big symbolic metanarratives of the western history that have produced a thought of idealized mythification. The image of the storm is ungovernable and comes to mean the cleanliness, of the government and the catastrophe, of the law and the order. This language internalized in any manifestation of life, it(he,she) expresses the eloquence of the living environment, which they leave the digest when I fill this one with auguries that announce the arrival of a storm. The community resignation to attend to the global warming increases the ferocity of these events that mythologically, they were cleaning everything, they will cleanse life, to begin new paradigms. Keywords: Hurricane, mythology, weather, internalized language, metanarratives, climate phenomena. %U http://ojs.uprrp.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/37