%0 Journal Article %T The Release of Creative Potentials in Municipal Administration of Municipality %A Polona Kambi£¿ %J RUO : Revija za Univerzalno Odli£¿nost %D 2013 %I Faculty of Organisation Studies, Novo Mesto %X Research Question (RQ): Did the desire for development boost the search of own potentials to successfully manage procedures in acquiring co-financing of funds for the construction of infrastructure?Purpose: To research the motivators for successful acquisition of funds for the construction of infrastructure in Municipality Semi .Method: 1. Interviews with the mayors and three directors of the municipal administration who participated in procedures for applying and drawing on funds up to the year 2010.2. Case study: the study of successful applications for public tenders in the period from 2007 to 2010.Results: A desire for development, ambition, and high goals set out by the mayor as well as the outstanding qualifications and eagerness to learn by the directors of the municipal administration had resulted in successful use of co-financing funds and at the same time accelerated the construction of infrastruct ure in MunicipalitySemi .Organization: The director of municipal administration is as a leader and an official in position also a preparer of applications for public tenders.Society: The municipality holds a social responsibility to take care of the in frastructure of public importance by building, maintaining, and managing it. By gaining additional funds through public tenders the municipality enriches municipal estate which is available for all citizens and its wider community. It also performs investm ents for the protection of the environment, which are due to a low population density, very expensive; therefore, additional funds are of high importance.Originality: Even smaller municipalities can be shown to be as equal to larger municipalities with more qualified staff. Smaller municipal administrations are not always a disadvantage, but on the contrary, with proper motivation it can be perceived as an advantage.Limitations/Future Research: Access to available data on the success of drawing funds from other municipalities is limited as such data is not open to public. %K municipality %K development %K own potentials %K managing procedures %K resources %K infrastructure %U http://www.fos.unm.si/media/pdf/RUO_2013_09_Kambic_Polona.pdf