%0 Journal Article %T THROUGH THE INTERVIEW TEXTS THE ANALYSIS OF THE 8TH GRADE STUDENTS¡¯ SK LLS OF ASK NG QUESTIONS ACCORDING TO THE REVISED BLOOM¡¯S TAXONOMY %A Engin YILMAZ %A Bet¨¹l KERAY %J Sakarya University Journal of Education %D 2012 %I Sakarya University Educational Science Instutite %X This research has been made in order to determine how effective the education of asking questions is on students and in which stage the students achieve the acqusition ¡°Forming questions about the text¡± which is stated in 8th grade students¡¯ Turkish Teaching Program. For this research, a school located in city centre in Aksaray was chosen, and one of the two classes- both of which have been taught by the same teacher- is selected conrol group and the the other is selected experiment group. The control group is composed of 29, and the experiment group is composed of 30 students. The students have been chosen to the groups at random.The model of the research is based upon the pretest¨Cposttest design. The data was gathered via personal infromation form and interview text applied to both groups. While no intervention was made to the control group, the experiment group was applied a 4-week-teaching program including 4 interview texts and questions that were prepared for each text according to the Revised Bloom¡¯s Taxonomy.In order to determine which stage the questions belong in cognitive period according to Revised Bloom¡¯s Taxonomy, content analysis has been made and the consistency between researchers has been examined in order to decide how much reliable the content analysis is. While there is no differantiation between control and experiment group in pretest, there is a significant differantiation in favor of experiment group in postest.Students are generally asked for asking questions at schools. However, this may not be sufficient in order to improve students¡¯ skills of asking questions. This research shows that students can be able to ask advanced questions if they are taught doing research. %K The Ability of Asking Questions %K Revised Bloom¡¯s Taxonomy %K Interview Text. %U http://www.suje.sakarya.edu.tr/index.php/suje/article/view/45/45