%0 Journal Article %T BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES AS PAPAGAIO RIVER WATER QUALITY INDICATOR ¨C CAMPO MOUR O ¨C PR %A Alexandre Monkolski %A Janet Higuti %A Luiz Alberto Vieira %A Roger Paulo Mormul e Sidnei Pressinatte Junior %J SaBios : Revista de Sa¨˛de e Biologia %D 2006 %I Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mour?o %X The pollutant substance poured in the environment causes negative impacts for life forms that inhabit the sources. The biological monitoring of aquatic ecosystems has as objective the evaluation of the quality of water, in function of alterations of the community of macroinvertebrates. Among these communities Benthic is distinguished, because it reflects the state of conservation or degradation of the sources, changing their morphophysiological characteristics and its presence or absence in water. The quality of PapagaiosĄ¯ river water was evaluated by physical-chemistry analysis and by density of Benthic macroinvertebrates. Four colleting stations from a stretch of the river were analyzed and samples of sediment and water were collected. At 2nd and 3rd stations there are two cold storage rooms installed at the riverĄ¯s margins, which treat their effluents in stabilizing lagoons. The 4th station receives the ousting directly from a textile after it has passed by a treatment. Results obtained by biological methods indicated the presence of polluting elements in water. The riverĄ¯s longitudinal gradient showed a typical sucessorial process of macroinvertebrates from polluted environments, with a significant increase in the density of Oligochaeta and Chironidade, organisms that are tolerant to impacts in water. Considering the four stations that were analyzed, the unwished impacts are occurring in three last ones with more intensity. %U http://www.revista.grupointegrado.br/sabios/viewarticle.php?id=47&layout=abstract