%0 Journal Article %T Detection of Calendar-Based Periodicities of Interval-Based Temporal Patterns %A Mala Dutta %A Anjana Kakoti Mahanta %J International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X We present a novel technique to identify calendar-based (annual, monthly and daily) periodicities ofan interval-based temporal pattern. An interval-based temporal pattern is a pattern that occursacross a time-interval, then disappears for some time, again recurs across another time-interval andso on and so forth. Given the sequence of time-intervals in which an interval-based temporalpattern has occurred, we propose a method for identifying the extent to which the pattern isperiodic with respect to a calendar cycle. In comparison to previous work, our method isasymptotically faster. We also show an interesting relationship between periodicities across differentlevels of any hierarchical timestamp (year/month/day, hour/minute/second etc.). %K Temporal patterns %K Periodicity mining %K Interval datasets %K Time-hierarchy %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijdkp/papers/2112ijdkp02.pdf